Small Biz Flash
Small Biz Flash
8-15-23 - Advertise to Prospects Incoming From Your Lead Magnets
After you’ve completed the hard work of developing, deploying, and promoting your lead magnet, you’re still not done. The leads have started to come in, but what’s next? In most cases, you’ll need to start an email marketing campaign to continue the conversation with prospects where the lead magnet left off and to invite them into an offer to do business with you.
Be sure you don’t run afoul of anti-spam email laws in your jurisdiction.
Once your specially created content has run its course for the prospects that came from your lead magnet, put them into your regular email list, so they continue to get your regular emailer.
Email marketing software ratings and reviews:
Two polls have contradictory findings on how small businesses feel about the economy.
The Main Street Tax Certainty Act, a bill introduced in Congress this spring, would make permanent the 20% Small Business Deduction for qualified business income.
Some small business advocates are calling for the reauthorization of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
This podcast is sponsored by SBS Accounting & Advisors. Use the promo code FLASH and get 20% off your set up fee! https://sbsaccountants.com/.
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🖥️ Learn how I can help your small business at https://eraynay.com/.