Small Biz Flash
Small Biz Flash
12-19-23 - How to Get Publicity for Your Small Business
* What is the different between public relations and marketing?
* What are the three tactics for PR?
* How does a small business get publicity? How does the owner, who is usually the primary salesperson, get publicity?
* How much of your knowledge and information is it OK to share?
Today’s guest is Claire Angelle, Founder of Angelle Consulting:
Claire’s email: claire@angelleconsulting.com
Claire’s LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claire-collobert-angelle-5267b4a/
Angelle Consulting web page: https://www.angelleconsulting.com/
1 - Small businesses are even less confident about economy now than earlier in the year.
2 - The National Labor Relations Board’s new joint-employer rule is continuing to face opposition from small business groups and from some lawmakers.
3 - Younger and smaller companies are particularly hard hit in the ongoing credit squeeze facing small businesses.
This podcast is sponsored by SBS Accounting & Advisors. Use the promo code FLASH and get 20% off your set up fee! https://sbsaccountants.com/.
👀 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFHZqDGRbOHXjhpicWuqhg.
📧 Do you want to grow your business? I help small business owners succeed with strategy, marketing, and operations. Email me today at adam@smallbizflash.com and let’s grow your business together!